2013 Year-End Offer in Compromise Program Results Summary

In 2013 we successfully eliminated over $6.1 million in tax debt for our clients through Offer in Compromise settlement negotiations with the Internal Revenue Service, Franchise Tax Board, Employment Development Department, and State Board of Equalization.On average, our clients who had offers accepted paid just 11% of their total tax liability. For example, if a client owed $50,000 and had an offer accepted they only paid on average $5,500 to settle. We have added the individual offers accepted to our “Tax Settlements” section on this website.The millions of dollars saved in taxes through our Offer in Compromise negotiation is in addition to the millions of dollars we saved for our clients in 2013 through our audit representation, court litigation, tax refund claims, audit reconsideration, and bankruptcy.

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San Francisco Office

100 Bush St., Suite 501
San Francisco, CA 94104
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1-888-TAX-EXIT (1-888-829-3948)

San Jose Office

2880 Zanker Rd., Suite 203
San Jose, CA 95134
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1-888-TAX-EXIT (1-888-829-3948)