In 2014 we saved our client’s over $11 million through our Offer in Compromise representation before the IRS, California Franchise Tax Board, and California Employment Development Department. In forgiveness of $11.098 million in taxes, penalties and interest our clients paid a total of only $817,497. This means our clients, on average, paid just 7.3 cents on the dollar.As an example, if a client owed $50,000 to the IRS, the average paid would have been only $3,650 to settle the balance in full.These figures are based strictly upon offers accepted. Not every offer submitted was accepted and the results of these offers is by no means a guarantee or promise of what, if anything, would be accepted for other cases.

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San Francisco Office

100 Bush St., Suite 501
San Francisco, CA 94104
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1-888-TAX-EXIT (1-888-829-3948)

San Jose Office

2880 Zanker Rd., Suite 203
San Jose, CA 95134
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1-888-TAX-EXIT (1-888-829-3948)